Hello welcome to my webpage! I like a varety of things like art, animation, game and webdesign, and alot of old computers, I make alot of different projects and hope to put them out online! You may already know me for one reason or another but in anycase I hope you enjoy checking out my page!
1/15/25 I've Revamped my page a TON! Blog + Portfolio pages are still underconstruction so be on the lookout for em! until then enjoy!
Welcome to my webpage! On my page you can see My latest upload, some links to some of my projects and art (some pages are still in the works), as well as my web-neighbors, a little chatbox, and some stamps, oh and at the bottom of the page you can see my button that you can add to your page and link back to mine if you'd like! If you'd like to chat check out my discord server, at the Soup Lover's Centeral!
Check out my latest upload!
Whatever video is above this text is probably really cool and you should totally check it out! OH ALSO! if you'd like, you can follow me on neocities to get updates! My Neocities Profile!(oćā½ć)oā
all this stuff down here is the rings/neighborhoods and other stuff I am apart of!